The power of group coaching & three questions to ask yourself before you commit.

I really like group coaching.  

In fact, I’d go as far as to say I love group coaching.  

I think this is partly because I’ve spent 15 odd years delivering training; watching people learn from each other and work together. There is something beautiful in the diversity of experience and sharing knowledge and perspectives we find in groups. 

You might have reservations about group coaching, perhaps you feel that it would dilute the gains from an individual programme or that sharing in a group space can be intimidating.  

  1. You don’t feel alone: Joining a group programme connects you a group of people who have similar goals to you, who may be at a similar place in life or going through similar challenges. Other people’s similar experiences help give you context for your own. This in and of itself, is very powerful. A sense of connection and belonging is vital to our wellbeing, and the right group programme immediately gives you this. 

  2. It brings a variety of experiences and perspectives: Whilst you may all be at a similar point in life or be on a similar journey, you’re likely to have had different experience and have different perspectives. This really enables us to shine those onto our own situation, bringing an objectivity we may not have experienced before. 

  3. You get a group of supporters: You get to witness other people’s successes and feel their joy. You’ll support them through it, and they will support you. You’ll coach each other in the sessions, outside, and long after the group is over. These relationships may be some of the most powerful, and long lasting that you build. 

  4. It deepens your learning: Seeing other’ transformations will help you learn, and you can grow from their learnings. You’re not just reliant on your ideas, just by hearing other peoples’ actions will give you new tools to use and ways of coping. 

  5. It supports you to keep yourself accountable: You commit to change together. You’ll find yourself on a wave of growth and action with those in the group. 

Ultimately group coaching is about not being alone, and finding power in each other. As you lift each other up, you all rise. It’s impossible not to be swept along with the tide of growth. What isn’t there to love about that? 

So if you think you’re ready for group coaching, and want to find out more, here are three questions to ask yourself before you sign up to a programme. 

  1. Does the programmes speak to you?  Be clear about what you’re hoping to get from the programme, and if you’re not sure, jump down to point 2! Group coaching will always be a little more structured than an individual programme because for it to be effective the group need to have a topic or goal which shared so that you can work through it together. 

  2. Are they the right coach for you?  Before you sign up make sure you have a chemistry, discovery or clarity call with the coach. Do you feel safe with them? Do you feel a connection? Do you like their style of working? They may have been the right coach for your friend, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re the right coach for you. 

  3. Can you commit to the sessions?  Simple practicalities of whether the day, time and frequency that you can make space for and fit into your schedule. Do you want this enough to make time for it amongst your other commitments? 


Alex x 

P.S. if you’re curious about group coaching with me, head here


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